Gold medal for the Greek Youths at the Balkan Team Youth Ch Tetovo 2022

Many congrats to the Greek Youth Team for winning gold medal at the Balkan Youth Team Ch which was organised at Tetovo the last December .

More info and the results you can find at the link :


Special congrats to my pupil Tsarsitalidis Ch and my former coach and captain of the team FM Bousios Hristos !

Team-Composition with round-results

  1. GREECE (RtgAvg:2312, Captain: Bousios Christos / TB1: 6 / TB2: 9)
Bo. Name Rtg FED FideID 1 2 3 Pts. Games RtgAvg
1 FM Patrelakis Evaggelos 2375 GRE 4295102 1 ½ 1 2,5 3 2356
2 FM Chatzieleftheriou Andreas 2352 GRE 4298861 1 ½ 0 1,5 3 2270
3 FM Makridis Dimitrios 2372 GRE 25864475 1 1 1 3 3 2192
4 Tsarsitalidis Christos 2150 GRE 25831488 1 1 2 2 1834
5 Alexandri Vasiliki 1706 GRE 42103606 0 0 1 1637
  2. SLOVENIA (RtgAvg:2292, Captain: Kodric Martin / TB1: 4 / TB2: 8)
Bo. Name Rtg FED FideID 1 2 3 Pts. Games RtgAvg
1 IM Subelj Jan 2492 SLO 14618583 0 1 0 1 3 2317
2 FM Marn Jan 2332 SLO 14619245 1 1 1 3 3 2276
3 FM Lavrencic Matic 2304 SLO 14637847 1 1 0 2 3 2214
4 WCM Mihelic Vesna 2040 SLO 14625520 1 1 0 2 3 1876
  3. NORTH MACEDONIA (RtgAvg:2248, Captain: Dancevski Orce / TB1: 1 / TB2: 4)
Bo. Name Rtg FED FideID 1 2 3 Pts. Games RtgAvg
1 FM Risteski Emil 2373 MKD 15005267 1 ½ ½ 2 3 2357
2 Veljanoski Andrej 2312 MKD 15003604 0 ½ 1 1,5 3 2283
3 AFM Zlatkov Anton 2188 MKD 15005402 0 0 0 2 2338
4 Petreski Leonid 2120 MKD 15006280 0 0 1 2083
5 Zhezhovska Monika 1627 MKD 15007588 0 0 ½ 0,5 3 1942