48o Greek Team Championship 2021

The Greek Team Championship for the year 2021 is separated in two sections . The south sections finished in the beginning of September in Athens and two teams won the ticket for the F4 ,Evoiki and Nikaia .

48ο Πανελλήνιο Ομαδικό Πρωτάθλημα Ελλάδος / Νότιος Όμιλος – Νικήτρια η Ευβοϊκή, 2ος ο “Φυσιολάτρης” « ΕΛΛΗΝΙΚΗ ΣΚΑΚΙΣΤΙΚΗ ΟΜΟΣΠΟΝΔΙΑ (chessfed.gr)

The north section will be held in Thessaloniki from 5th to 10th of October at hotel Porto Palace .Another 2 teams will get the ticket for the F4 .

In total 14 teams will be demoted to the lower league and 20 will remain on the high league for year 2022.