Thessaloniki’s Youth team is the winner of the 11th Youth Team Championship for 2018 with a perfect winning strike of 6/6 !
The tournament took place at the Filippion Hotel of Thessaloniki . The best Greek Youth participated and fought for the top places !
Our team managed to conquer the Youth Team Greek title performing very well in all six boards
We would like to congratulate all our players :
1st board Vlachos Anatole
2nd board Kazakos Markos & Tsarsitalidis Konstantinos
3rd board Stoimenidis Dimitris & Koutlas
4th board Tsarsitalidis Hristos
5th board Pasglou Nikoleta
6th board Tzovani Dimitra and the captain and trainer of the team : GM Mastrovasilis Athanasios and his second Dorfanis Aris
Our academies are working hard the last years ,the results are visible ,our goal is to remain at the very top for the years to follow and improve Thessaloniki’s chess level ! Congrats once more to players trainers and parents for their support and help !
More info at the official site :